The "a" in stain is not a typo that is how it is supposed to be spelled. If you are anything like me or a lot of conspiracy theorists this confused you once you actually read it with the a. So many people remember it as Berenstein when they were younger. I can say for a fact I thought it was spelled with an e for years. When I first read it I dug up the old books to confirm how it was spelled.
What does this mean though? Well honestly by itself it is just a bunch of people who did not know any better. Taking it by face value is not as fun as the conspiracy. The conspiracy itself is impossible to prove beyond so many people who remember it with an e. Some believe that because so many people remember it with an e it is proof that timelines have split and we are living in an alternate timeline where the only difference is that Berenstain has an a in it. It is very difficult to prove this right but I have searched to see how this could be true.
Well although a lot of people remember the a that does not mean anything. The word is pronounced Berenstein with both the a and the e. Additionally these books are meant for a young audience who will not pay much attention to the tittles of books. It is very likely that the people who remember the e just made assumptions about the spelling based on what they heard. It is fun to imagine there are shenanigans at work here but this is a theory about multiple timelines and I cannot prove this or disprove it. I could go down both roads and make a claim for both side. You cannot disprove it or prove it unless you do not believe in multiple parallel universes.
Personally I think a lot of people just assumed that it was with the e because it is how it pronounced. The publishers of the books maintain that it has always been spelled with the a not the e. It is an interesting theory anyway. It is very difficult to know the truth due the the parallel universe part of it.
Lamoureux, Mack. "The Berenst(E)ain Bears Conspiracy Theory That Has Convinced the Internet There Are Parallel Universes | VICE | United States." VICE. August 10, 2015. Accessed March 02, 2016.
Smith, Russell. "Berenstain Bears Debate Is a Case of Schrodinger's Nostalgia." The Globe and Mail. August 14, 2015. Accessed March 02, 2016.
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